Apr 062022

Living together with your partner may seem like a no-brainer decision, but it`s important to establish some ground rules to protect yourself and your assets. One way to do this is by creating a simple living together agreement.

A living together agreement, also known as a cohabitation agreement, is a legal document that outlines the terms and conditions of your living arrangements with your partner. It can include everything from how you`ll split the rent and household expenses to how you`ll divide property if you break up.

Here are some key elements to include in your simple living together agreement:

1. Financials: Establish how you`ll split the rent, utilities, groceries, and other household expenses. You may also want to decide how you`ll handle joint accounts, credit cards, and loans.

2. Property: Determine who owns what assets and how they`ll be divided if you break up. This includes everything from furniture to pets to vehicles. Be specific and clear about who owns what and what will happen if you separate.

3. Responsibilities: Outline each person`s responsibilities and contributions to the household. This can include things like cleaning, cooking, and grocery shopping. Determine who will take care of specific tasks to avoid misunderstandings and conflicts.

4. Relationship status: Decide what happens to the agreement if you get married or decide to end your relationship. For example, if you decide to get married, you may want to revisit the agreement and make changes accordingly.

5. Dispute resolution: Outline how you`ll resolve any disputes that may arise. Will you go to a mediator or seek legal advice? This section can help you avoid costly legal battles down the road.

Creating a simple living together agreement may seem daunting, but it can help you and your partner establish clear expectations for your relationship and protect your assets in case things don`t work out. It`s always a good idea to seek legal advice to ensure that your agreement is legally binding and includes all necessary components.

 Posted by at 3:13 pm

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